Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Renovation Doldrums aka Time To Thrift

It's been a little slow around here with the kitchen *mostly* done. I've been working on the master bedroom closet actually, and also tiling the kitchen backsplash, but both of these projects have been giving me some problems - as all house projects will do without fail - and it's kind of bumming me out...

While I've been working on the closet (removing wallpaper for like 8 days straight, and then skim coating and patching the plaster) I've had home reno shows streaming in the background - Rehab Addict, Sarah's House. And as Dan knows, whenever I watch Sarah's House, I get a real hankering to visit antique stores, and flea markets, and thrift stores. So I started trolling NH Craig's List - which is pretty measly and you usually have to drive like an hour to get anything because it's ONE craig's list for ALL of New Hampshire (plus parts of Vermont and Maine). But I did come across a listing for a set of two antique chairs for 50$, and they were located in a storage locker within walking distance of my house! Definitely at least worth checking out. So I got 'em for 30$.

The pink fabric is not terrible, but it looks a little old
I brought them home and was chatting to Dan about reupholstering them, but of course he thought that would be a waste of time and I ought to focus on OTHER things (like finish the closet), and the pink is in good enough condition, bleh bleh. As usual, I ignored him and trekked over to JoAnne's. I had in mind a grey, almost suit-like, masculine fabric, maybe herringbone, maybe pinstripes (to appease Dan; man, I must really like that complaining Cathy) but the one I picked out was too lightweight for a chair, according to the lady who cuts the fabric. I hadn't seen a nice-looking, masculine, heavy weight (upholstery) fabric during my two passthroughs, but the third time, I saw this:

Maybe the polar opposite of what I was looking for, but reallly cute. I only needed 2/3 of a yard for two chairs, so 6.65$ of fabric. I came home, popped the seats off the chairs, covered the seats with the fabric, stapled the fabric down, popped the seats back on, and WHAM!

Much cuter, fresher, and modern, yet kind of timeless..? Like them a lot.

I also checked out a flea market last weekend at Sharon Elementary School in Sharon, VT. I've been on the lookout for a side table or console table for the space next to the back door. I would really like this one, but uh...$$$$. Luckily, I found this cool maple slab industrial-looking gem at the flea market, and it's handmade by the guy who sold it to me! For 70$! Neat-o.
he felled the tree himself, and ran it through his own saw mill

I also haggled the price of the convex mirror from 20$ to 15$.

cats in mirrors!
It's kind of gaudy and chunky and huge, and I'm digging it.
All around second-hand success, I'd say!

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