Saturday, June 1, 2013

Sorry for flashing you for nearly a year, neighbors

We finally got/made some window coverings for our living room.
I've been meaning to put some up since we moved in, especially since the window on the north side looks directly into the C-------'s kitchen. They've kindly taken to drawing their blinds whenever the sun goes down, but their window over the sink has one of those permanently half drawn coverings and makes for awkward moments when we're snuggling watching a movie and they go into their kitchen for a glass of water or something.

For the covering itself, I wanted something casual and cheap, and maybe slightly modern --ehh, scratch that, just not too traditional, I guess. I did my research as usual, and decided on some diy roller shades like these. So I bought two cheap vinyl roller shades at home depot (8$/ea), two sets of brackets (.79$/ea), and 4 yards of fabric (~36$).

I rolled out two yards of fabric, ironed it,
that's a picture of me ironing the fabric

that's me straightening out the fabric
sprayed some fabric adhesive all over the fabric and carefully laid the shade over it, trying to keep the stripes as straight and parallel to the shade edges as possible. I used no-sew fabric glue to glue the edges of the fabric onto the shade and hand sewed the very bottom. (The back of the shade looks frightful, so don't look into the room from the porch)

I cajoled Dan into putting up the brackets and just like that, we had privacy.

huzzah, old houses and crooked lines. You know, they got rights.
looking out onto the C------'s yard

We're planning on painting the walls white, which should help make the shades less dingy looking. More fresh and clean. Hopefully.

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