Thursday, August 2, 2012

Country living

So one convenience that city people take for granted
- and don't even realize there are parts of America that go without - is trash service. Yup, Lebanon doesn't have public trash pick-up, but there is a plethora of private companies that will pick it up once a week, or twice a month, or whatever you want. If you prefer not to hire a private company, you can haul your own trash and recyclables to the dump, $1 per 29 lbs.

Dan and I thought we'd try going without trash service for the first month, just to see. We thought we could manage it, since the dump happens to be right next to the Home Depot, and we go to Home Depot about 5x/week (at least in the beginning, no joke).

Here's what our car looked like before our first dump trip:

Not as gross as you think; that's all paper that the movers wrapped all our stuff with

Could barely get the passenger seat to click in place
That's all moving paper, but you can imagine how ridiculous we looked hauling individual crumples from the car to the trash heap. Cramming the car full of paper was, of course, Dan's genius idea.
We quickly came to the conclusion that 1) putting trash into our car is kind of gross and 2) since we don't like going to the dump, naturally, our trash is going to pile up at our house (also gross) and 3) pick-up trucks are nice and it won't be the last time we wish we had one.
Needless to say, we hired a private trash service the next month and it's only $26/mo for weekly pick-up. Not bad at all and worth every penny of that 26$.

On a nicer and cleaner note, drying clothes in the country: so pleasant!