Saturday, March 22, 2014

Kitchen Update yet again

The kitchen is looking increasingly done and really, all I foresee needing to be done is painting the base cabinets and the build-ins.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Renovation Doldrums aka Time To Thrift

It's been a little slow around here with the kitchen *mostly* done. I've been working on the master bedroom closet actually, and also tiling the kitchen backsplash, but both of these projects have been giving me some problems - as all house projects will do without fail - and it's kind of bumming me out...

Friday, January 17, 2014

My teaching

During my class the other day I was explaining to my MBA students that they should negotiate more with their significant others because it can leave both sides better off.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Mantle, part 1

We've been busy little bees this winter break - painting the kitchen/living room twice (the first color was too blue, so the second time we just went for good ol' trusty white) and wall-mounting the tv.
It's not quite done yet, but it's close.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Kitchen Update 3.5: It's getting pretty cold

We're experimenting with keeping the heat set SUPER low -- I won't even say how low, just assume 5 degrees colder than what you would think is unbearably cold -- and spending most of our time in the kitchen/living with the fireplace cheerily burning away. So far, so good.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Kitchen Update 3

We are currently just sitting on the kitchen, waiting for the counters, installation of which is scheduled for the 20th. But since Kitchen Update 1...

Kitchen Update 2: Turn up the Heat

Part of kitchen renovation involved getting a new source of heat for the space. Our reasons for splurging on a gas fireplace are threefold:

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Kitchen Update 1

I can't believe it, but it's been 1 month since we demo-ed out the kitchen/living room wall.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Second floor floors floors floors

We've really been chugging along on the second floor (hallway, small bedroom) and this weekend we tackled the floors. We'd been planning on painting all the pine flooring on the second floor white (as in the master bedroom), but since the walls are all white, we decided white floors would be overkill, verging on clinical. So, staining and varnishing it was.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Front Entrance

is an eyesore. The pathetic garden aside, the front columns are peeling, the sidelights are cracked and painted over, the lights don't work, and there is a rusty mark of where there used to be a second mailbox (for the second unit this house used to have).